UWhat skills will children actually need in preparation for transitioning into school
Gain practical ideas, helpful hints and tips to support children and families
Organise a leavers celebration that allows connections with families and celebrates each individual child
Here to help parents, carers and educators understand what 'School Readiness' actually means!
As a new summer term begins are you keen to help pre school children through the transitional change as they move onto school? Are you keen to promote parent partnership within your Early Childhood setting? Are you keen to offer your parents and carers some important and useful information about supporting their child as they transition to starting school? Instead of spending hours writing something yourself, instead of wasting precious time designing a document to share. Check out part four!

Have you seen the series?
1. Get a Grip 2. Pivotal Joints 3. Fine Motor Skills 4. For Practitioners 5. For Parents & Carers If you are looking for literature to help fellow educators and parent, carers understand stages of development, stage appropriate skills, how PLAY is vital. To help understand the skills necessary BEFORE formal handwriting then these 5 magazines are for you.
Download part four, the educators edition...
Inside we share useful knowledge, information and tips to prepare children for school.