Discover what ‘school readiness’ means for their child
Discover the top 10 worries parents have when children start school
Discover the skills and attributes children will need to support them on their first day at school
Here to help parents understand what 'School Readiness' actually means!
For many parents and carers, the prospect of their young child starting school can be a worrying time. It may be assumed that children need to be able to write their names in order to be school ready. However, this is one of the last things as a parent, carer, or educator we need to worry about. There are so many other ways we can prepare children and support children in readiness for school. In this Curiosity Approach ‘School Readiness’ series, we will share useful knowledge, information, and helpful hints and tips to prepare children for school. Check out part five!
Have you seen the series?
1. Get a Grip 2. Pivotal Joints 3. Fine Motor Skills 4. For Practitioners 5. For Parents & Carers If you are looking for literature to help fellow educators and parent, carers understand stages of development, stage appropriate skills, how PLAY is vital. To help understand the skills necessary BEFORE formal handwriting then these 5 magazines are for you.
Photocopy or email our informative School Readiness magazine to parents and carers.
This magazine gives practical hints and tips to help children as they start school.