What's involved?

The Curiosity Approach is now deployed in hundreds of nurseries in 21 countries across the world and at this informal evening event you'll learn;

  • The key elements that enable children’s natural curiosity to manifest itself, but which are missing from 94% of nurseries – and how to fix it in yours 
  • The secret, easy-to-deploy ‘third teacher’ that creates a learning environment like no other – without the use of traditional toys 
  • The ‘loose parts’ concept that can transform any nursery setting 
  • Why you should have real china tea-sets in your setting and what will happen as a result 
  • How to turn your staff into magicians of learning that leads to long waiting lists for places and supports higher prices 
  • The A-Z of curiosity and the difference it will make to your children, their happiness and their development

You may have missed out on our Evening with The Curiosity Approach evenings so far, but now is your chance to;

  • Get your team pulling together by learning how to inspire a more motivated passionate tribe
  • Develop an environment that allows children to grow, make progress and ensure they’re ready for the next stages of learning
  • Watch how your children’s confidence, self-awareness and understanding grows as they become successful learner
  • You’ll be recognised for improved leadership and management skills, the quality of teaching, learning and development and behaviours of your children
  • Get exclusive event-only-access to our tool to help focus and align your team, so you’re all working towards your shared goal


Lyndsey Hellyn & Stephanie Bennett

Founders of The Curiosity Approach Training

Hi and welcome to The Curiosity Approach Accreditation. We are so excited to embark on this journey with you. We aim to inspire practitioners and we have created a solution to aid you to overcome your learning environment obstacles! We want to create the thinkers and doers of the next generation. We guarantee that through our approach, you will create a culture of curiosity, have fun and develop their wings to fly!